
Why Does The Fha Call Seeing Eye Dogs For The Blind "Emotional Support Animals"?


When it comes to the subject of animals in rental units, landlords and tenants rarely come across heart to middle. At that place's no doubt that animals, especially dogs and cats, can cause boosted and unique impairment to a rental belongings, beyond what homo tenants practice.

An assistance animal is non a pet. This means this isn't information you'll necessary discover when screening tenants or running a tenant groundwork bank check.

But what practise you do when an applicant or tenant claims to have a medical need for an animate being? Many landlords don't know much almost assist animals or the laws surrounding the rights of people to take animals in rental units in certain circumstances.

Tenant requests for aid animals are growing rapidly as more mental health studies show the benefits that animals take for certain mental and concrete disabilities. In society to stay on peak of this situation, landlords and holding managers need to get educated apace on federal, state and local laws. There is no substitute for qualified legal counsel from a landlord tenant chaser, but this guide tin can assistance introduce y'all to the issues.

A good first step is to sympathize the difference between service animals, therapy animals, and emotional support animals (ESA).
This infographic from Canine Companions of Northern Ohio is a great visual for showing the difference.

Landlords: Service dogs and emotional support animals

This infographic does a nice chore of explaining the differences but this is a pretty deep topic.

That's why we had Jaime Cane on our podcast to talk about landlord rights when it comes to emotional back up animals.

Jaime is an attorney with Boylan Code and she specializes in landlord-tenant law

Beneath is that podcast where y'all tin can heed and learn the "push back mechanics" for a landlord or holding manager when information technology comes to ESAs.

Every calendar week on the podcast we discuss new methods to help landlords manage their rental properties.

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Why Landlords Experience Angered By Emotional Support Animals

We get endless feedback from landlords on tenants who have emotional support animals. The anger comes in when they feel the following scenario has taken place.

This is a common theme that is developing where an interested renter searches how to get around a no pet policy and they land on a service like this.

This particular service is not proverb, "Do yous suffer from feet and need a letter of the alphabet for your emotional back up animal?"

No… instead it's saying we've got the solution to get around a no pet policy or loftier pet deposit. This is what frustrates landlords and why it's important to listen to the podcast in a higher place and learn the pushback mechanics when you lot feel someone might take a dubious ESA letter.

Advice from a Seasoned Holding Manager on ESAs

Tracy Streich of Renters Place in Tulsa, OK joined us for a live Facebook interview.

He manages over 500 single family homes and has a lot of experience dealing with tenants and ESAs.

If you skip alee to the 19:50 marker in the video below y'all can hear his insights.

Disabled Tenants and Help Animals

Instead of learning the hard fashion and getting in trouble with the constabulary for discrimination, acquire near the different kinds of assistance animals and what weather condition must exist earlier you are required to allow them into your rental property.

Reasonable accommodations are defined as when a tenant asks a landlord to make a change in an existing rule or policy so they accept an equal opportunity to enjoy the unit and surrounding holding.

In club to qualify for reasonable accommodations due to disability, the tenant must meet the post-obit atmospheric condition:

  1. Have a physical or mental harm that substantially limits 1 or more major life activities (such every bit walking, seeing, working, cleaning, dressing, and then forth),
  2. Take a history such impairments,
  3. Be regarded as having such impairments.

(Fair Housing Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act)
At that place are a range of concrete and mental disabilities and there is only so much information you are entitled to go from a tenant. Of course, landlords cannot refuse to rent to tenants with disabilities nor can you lot ask applicants and tenants about the details of any conditions. Sometimes the disability is apparent, such as a tenant in a wheelchair, but many times a person's disability is not obvious to observers.

There are many laws that protect tenants with disabilities and landlords are required to make reasonable accommodations for them to alive in a rental property. Lawmakers take determined that in about cases, assist animals are not outside the definition of reasonable accommodations for disabilities.

In April of 2013, the Housing and Urban Evolution clarified the conditions for assistance animals. Substantially, the ruling states that people with disabilities may request reasonable accommodations for whatever help brute, including emotional support animals. HUD separates assistance animals into two categories–service animals and support or companion animals. Information technology as well sets up two weather condition that, if the answers are yes, the landlord must allow the assistance creature.
Here are the two weather:

  1. Does the person requesting the animal indeed accept a diagnosed disability that that impacts major life activities?
  2. Does the person requesting the animal have a disability-related demand for information technology and volition the animal help, perform tasks or perform services for the disabled person?

If it's no to either, you do not have to allow the assistance animal. If it is yes to both, the exceptions must be fabricated in nearly cases.

What is a Service Brute?

Another important step for you in dealing with a tenant asking for an assistance beast is to understand the 2 types—service animals and companion animals. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, a truthful service fauna is a canis familiaris trained to provide assistance to the possessor who has a disability. While in some special circumstances miniature horses can be licensed service animals, dogs are generally the only animals that legally can be true service animals.

Service animals must provide a function that the possessor cannot do on their own. Perhaps the most familiar service animals are seeing center dogs or guide dogs who assist the blind to get around. Other examples of service dogs include those for hearing impaired owners who rely on the dogs to alert them to sounds, dogs that pull wheelchairs or pick upwardly things for wheelchair-spring owners, and dogs that are trained to alarm owners of impending medical conditions like seizures or insulin imbalances.

The key factor in what elevates a service creature over a pet is preparation and documentation. Service animals are carefully trained by experts or their owners to exercise their tasks. A service animal'southward possessor might possess identification papers and the animal oftentimes wears some kind of identification collar or harness (but not always). Service animals are generally well trained, well behaved and take their "chore" seriously.

Landlords and Service Animals

The requirements for landlords to brand allowances for a service animal to reside in a rental unit are definitely addressed by The Federal Off-white Housing Human activity and the Americans with Disabilities Act every bit a reasonable adaptation for tenants with disabilities. In other words, the courts consider a tenant's utilize of a service animal as an accommodation that should exist exterior whatsoever landlord's no pet policy. You should be cautious in challenging a tenant's correct to a service animal.

Here are a few fundamental points for landlords to know:

  • Even if a landlord has a no pet policy in place, the constabulary does not consider service animals as pets and therefore the service brute is exempt from such a restriction.
  • Service animals are allowed anywhere a person would get, including nutrient areas that would unremarkably restrict an animal'southward presence.
  • Landlords cannot charge a pet deposit or pet fee for service animals, however the tenant is liable for any damage that the service animate being may crusade.
  • Landlords can require written verification from the tenant's wellness care provider that they are disabled but cannot ask for any specifics about the inability.
  • Landlords can require written verification from the tenant's health intendance provider that the service creature is needed.
  • Landlords can request copies of the animal's health records to testify the creature is in proficient wellness, parasite-free and immunized/vaccinated.
  • Landlords can write warnings or even adios a tenant with a service animal if the animal is disturbing others, posing a threat to others or causing considerable damage to the belongings.

In other words, you can ask for appropriate paperwork concerning the tenant'southward need for the service beast and to verify the animal'due south wellness.

Ultimately,  for tenants with a diagnosable disability who require the assistance of a service animal, landlords must allow service animals in the rental unit of measurement and make reasonable accommodations for both the tenant and the brute.

What is a Companion Animal?

An emotional support animal (ESA) or companion beast is one who helps people with mental disabilities. Studies prove that oftentimes, people disabled with conditions similar feet, low, autism, or post-traumatic stress tin alleviate symptoms with an emotional support animate being. One of the major differences between a companion animal and a service animal is that in that location are no species or brood restrictions. In other words, an ESA could exist a domestic dog, cat, lizard, bird, monkey, ferret, snake or other creature.

The other major difference between a service animal and a companion animate being is that they don't need to have any grooming nor perform any physical
task. Their purpose is to provide companionship and comfort to the owner.  ESAs practice not fifty-fifty need bones behavior training to authorize. The disquisitional component of a companion animal for a disabled person must be that there is a significantly identifiable relationship, known in legal terms as a nexus, between the tenant'south disability and the need for a companion animal. In other words, the wellness intendance professional and the tenant must be able to show a nexus between what the companion fauna provides and the person'southward disability in order for the animal to qualify as more than just a pet who makes them feel good.

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, a companion beast does non qualify equally a service brute and therefore they are not mostly immune in public places, similar restaurants, as service animals are. The Off-white Housing Act allows for companion animals in rental units only non necessarily in mutual areas like a puddle area or courtyard.

In short, the laws create a state of affairs where the qualifying standards are gear up fairly depression for tenants to authorize for companion animals and many landlords feel frustrated at the restrictions the laws identify on them to be able to regulate animals in rental properties.

Landlords and Companion Animals

The Federal Fair Housing Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act require landlords to provide reasonable accommodations for tenants with disabilities, and companion animals do qualify. Call up, to qualify for a companion beast, tenants must have a qualifying disability and be able to demonstrate a nexus.

Here are a few cardinal points for landlords to know:

  • Companion animals must follow the aforementioned reasonable rules that apply to pets as far as waste, leash restrictions impairment, noise and prophylactic.
  • Landlords may have some say in setting limits on size, species, breed and number of companion animals and several tenant companion animal requests have been considered unreasonable and upheld past the courts, while others have not. For instance, the courtroom may find a unmarried cat as a companion fauna is reasonable, whereas five cats might hands be considered unreasonable.
  • Landlords cannot accuse pet deposits or pet fees because the law doesn't consider companion animals as pets.
  • Landlords can request a written statement from a health intendance provider confirming the tenant's disability and the nexus of a companion animal and confirmation that its presence will ease the disability.
  • Landlords can require health and wellness documentation for the companion beast, such equally immunization/vaccination records and so forth.
  • Landlords tin can notwithstanding write warnings, evangelize official notices or fifty-fifty evict the tenant and companion animal for things similar excessive racket, property damage, behavior bug or whenever the companion beast might threaten the condom of other tenants.
  • Landlords tin reject to permit sure companion animals if the animal will present undue hardship or expense for the landlord'southward business. An example of this is when a landlord's insurance company will raise rates or drop coverage for certain canis familiaris breeds to alive on the property that are considered too aggressive, like pit bulls.

Many of the court cases involving landlords, tenants and animals center on the laws, rules and regulations about companion animals, not service animals. To outsiders, information technology is hard to distinguish betwixt a companion animal and a pet. Information technology's important that you work closely with your chaser when it comes to tenant requests for companion animals to ensure yous are following federal, state and municipal laws regarding reasonable accommodations.

Common Conflicts with Assistance Animals

The Federal Off-white Housing rules treat a service brute and a companion animal in much the same way, with laws and rules similar for both. Yet, landlords often accept more conflicts when it comes to companion animals versus service animals because the differences between them are and so vast.

Considering service animals are limited to a couple of species, rigorously trained and therefore much better behaved, few landlords accept issues with them. Notwithstanding, companion animals cover a range of species, breeds and behavior.

Here is a quick list of common landlord complaints most companion animals:

  • At that place are no clear guidelines on what kind of animal can exist a companion brute nor whatever restrictions on size, breed, or even number.
  • There are no guidelines on how the tenant chooses the companion animal.
  • There are no requirements for training, socialization or beliefs standards.
  • Landlords cannot question the grooming level of the brute.
  • There is great leeway in who can prescribe an assistance animal; it doesn't have to be a doctor, but someone qualified to treat a inability.
  • Landlords cannot question whether other options besides an animal are possible in treating the tenant's disability.

Pet Addendum for Lease

We recommend going with the Pet Addendum provided by Rocket Lawyer. This addendum volition give yous further protections in your lease and the certificate was created by lawyers with landlords in mind.

The link above is an chapter link and volition non create any boosted accuse for landlords. It'south a reputable service that nosotros rely on for specific addendums to the charter.

Can Landlords Deny Assistance Animals?

At that place are a few situations where you can deny assistance animals but in doing so, you run the risk of getting into legal problem if you have not covered all your bases and consulted with your landlord tenant attorney.
Hither are a few reasons a landlord could deny a tenant's request for a an assist animal or first the eviction procedure against the tenant based on the animal:

  • The tenant is non legally disabled or cannot testify information technology in writing via a health intendance professional.
  • The assistance beast is not prescribed for the treatment of the tenant'southward specific disability or no nexus is demonstrated or backed up in writing by a wellness care professional.
  • The assist animal would create an undue burden, such as keeping a miniature horse in a high ascension apartment where there is no facility for housing such an brute.
  • The aid creature is illegal or otherwise not allowed according to state or municipal law, such equally an exotic animal or a dangerous brood of animal.
  • The animal is a direct threat to the health and safety of other tenants which cannot be reduced or eliminated.
  • The help animal creates "an undue financial brunt or administrative brunt on the landlord."
  • The presence of the animal "fundamentally alters the nature of the housing provider's operations."
  • The tenant won't take responsibility for the beast, such as cleaning upward waste, letting information technology run costless, or resolving dissonance issues.

Each of these situations are reflected in a scattering of court rulings that went in favor of the landlord. However, you should definitely consult with an attorney before issuing notices, warnings or starting the eviction process against a tenant with an assistance creature to ensure you stay clear of any violations.

Exploiting Assistance Animals

One matter landlords everywhere should be aware of is the growing trend for applicants and tenants to nowadays fake assist animals in gild to skirt standard pet rules and fees. At that place are plenty of websites that volition allow people to annals a canis familiaris as a "service" domestic dog and provide a bluecoat or belong with a certificate, just for a fee.

Other people may try to nowadays forged md or therapist note almost a companion brute in an effort to get around a landlord's no pet policy. If you suspect this is the case, it's okay to expect the medical professional upward on the land licensing board and verify their identity. It'southward also acceptable to contact the alphabetic character writer's office and explain yourself and ask for confirmation that the medical professional person did indeed write the letter. A quick internet search can too weed out a fee-based certification or companion fauna setup too.

Landlords should be careful not to requite the impression that they are harassing or otherwise doubting the tenant's asking, just simply doing due diligence in confirming the document. Fair housing laws generally crave that the person providing a tenant's documentation nearly the disability must be a person "who is in a position to know" about the tenant's disability. It'south entirely within your rights to confirm that a legitimate wellness professional has prescribed the companion fauna for the tenant.

In short, examining a tenant'due south asking for an assistance animate being is quite complicated and there is no quick fashion to figure out the various facets of each individual instance. With the help of a landlord tenant attorney and becoming familiar with the laws in place, landlords can meliorate navigate the murky waters of assistant animals in rental backdrop.
FAQs on Service Dogs and Emotional Support animals

Can a landlord refuse a service dog

Many times renters and landlord confuse the difference between a service dog and an emotional back up animal. A landlord cannot deny a renter the rights to a legitimate service canis familiaris. Nonetheless, if in that location are restricted breeds according to their insurance policy they will need to consult with their insurance company to make sure they won't lose insurance based on the brood of the fauna.

Tin can a landlord refuse a service dog based on breed

According to, "Breed, size, and weight limitations may not be applied to an assistance animate being." This, still, is debated because some insurance companies have restricted breeds on their policy. Some landlords turn down service animals if their insurance policy volition be dropped. This is something the landlord should hash out with their insurance agency.


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