
Can You Get Anime Notifications From Myanimelist?

MyAnimeList is the go-to website for anime reviews and ratings.

What makes it so good is how:

  • You tin can see ALL your favorite anime at a glance, and how many y'all've watched.
  • Yous can even see how many hours you've wasted in a lifetime.
  • And improve yet – the latest anime serial that air ambulation (and how many episodes they'll have).
  • The forums on MyAnimeList are some of the BIGGEST online for anime.

But there'south one affair MyAnimeList is unreliable for: and that'southward reviews.

Here's why, and what to do nearly it…

Why MAL Reviews Are Unreliable:

one. Just ane-iii% of MyAnimeList's visitors carp to write a REVIEW

I didn't pull that statistic out of my A-hole, so pay attending.

According to the website: SimilarWeb, MyAnimeList had 76 1000000 visitors in December 2018.

With that in heed – 1-3% of 76 one thousand thousand is effectually 700,000 – ane million+ users.

It's a well-known fact that on MyAnimeList – not everyone bothers to write a review.

In fact – some people don't fifty-fifty get out a unproblematic "rating" for their favorite anime series. Either because they're lazy, or they don't run across the value in it (I don't blame them).

Why does information technology affair?

The reason is simple:

  • You're judging an anime'due south quality based on 1-3% of MAL'South audience.
  • Near people don't get out reviews. This is truthful for any type of review site on the cyberspace.
  • And reviews aren't the "exist all finish all" of whether an anime is worth watching.
  • Plus – MyAnimeList isn't the merely pop site where reviews exist.

Anime Planet, Anime News Network, Crunchyroll, – these are a handful of anime sites y'all can leave a review for an anime series.

And ALL of them accept millions of visitors every calendar month.

So depending on MyAnimeList isn't simply unreliable, it'southward misleading.

That leads me to my next point…

2. Opinions aren't written in stone

I see it every single solar day.

Anime fans become caught up in their ego and fume their ain crack. Disarming themselves to believe their opinions are "facts" you tin can't argue with.

But the truth is: people are caught upwards in their strong feelings for their favorite anime series.

It'due south not like I don't become it. But…

No matter how you look at information technology – opinions are fragile, unlike, changeable and subjective.

For every person who loves Naruto, there'south someone who hates information technology, and another who thinks it's "OK" but aught more.

The same is true for dozens and dozens of anime shows.

According to MyAnimeList – the moving picture "Your Proper noun" has a rating of over nine/10

But I've watched Your Name. It's one of the about awful, platitude and lifeless romance series I'll ever watch in my life.

I was about as disappointed equally a divorced man who expected union to get smoothly.

Does that hateful my stance is wrong?

Less than 1% of MyAnimeList's audition bothered to write a review (or leave a rating) for Your Proper name.

So it's a bit far-fetched (and naive) to rely on such a "small-scale" set up of reviews.

Peculiarly considering how when an anime has "high" ratings, less fans are willing to share an opinion that disagrees with public stance.

Mostly because people tend to criticize and "fustigate" you lot for having an opinion that'southward unlike to their own.

Related: seven Straightforward Reasons Why "Well-nigh"Fans Hate English Dubbed Anime

three. Reviews and ratings have no correlation with "success"

Let's talk about an anime k's of fans "supposedly" detest with a passion.

Sword Fine art Online.

SAO haters come up in three slices:

  • People who genuinely detest it.
  • People who jump on the bandwagon (sheep).
  • And people who feel information technology's "overrated".

And the problem with SAO haters:

  • Everybody who loves SAO is shunned past the gang of haters in the anime community.
  • And so – these types of opinions aren't every bit pop or common (fans avert criticism).

But MyAnimeList tells a different story

You see that? Sword Art Online's first season (and 2nd season) is under 8/10. On average.

And then much for SAO existence the "worst" anime e'er.

And that'southward not even the almost important function

Sword Art Online is rated lower than dozens of anime series with ratings ABOVE 8 or nine/x.

One example of an anime series is Guardian Of The Sacred Spirit.

I love this series. Fifty-fifty more than than I beloved SAO. Simply similar plenty of anime shows on MAL – Sword Art Online is much more successful, despite having lower ratings.

Which is why ratings and reviews aren't reliable at all.

Otherwise – how could Sword Art Online be so stupidly successful later on then many years?

You can't debate with success, no affair what "reviews" tell you.

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4. Reviews and ratings don't tell you lot the full story

This time I'll apply an anime like Naruto every bit an case to make my signal.

Naruto is one of the most famous anime, ever. I don't accept to tell you considering you already know.

Just what if you lot were the type of person to "estimate" an anime lower than 9/10 every bit "non worth my time"?.

You probably wouldn't carp watching Naruto.

After all – it's less than 9/10. With the start season lower than 8/10 like SAO.

Only similar I mentioned before: anime shows with higher ratings on MyAnimeList.

Ratings aren't everything

If ratings were really then reliable, wouldn't Naruto be one of the LEAST successful franchises in the anime industry? In terms of quality?

Reality seems to tell u.s.a. otherwise.

5. MAL reviews aren't black and white

If I paint a wall blue, another wall green, and I bear witness information technology to yous, no affair how you feel or what your stance is… yous have no pick but to agree that one wall is bluish and the other is light-green.

That's because it's an example of something that's "black and white.

Pregnant it'due south undeniable. It's absolute.

MyAnimeList reviews are the opposite.

  • They're not black and white.
  • It's Not factual.
  • And it's not the absolute truth.

Because opinions aren't blackness and white either. Which leads to my last point…

6. At that place are too many variables

Opinions are fragile like broken glass. Easy to break, shatter, and nail into pieces.

That'southward why there are so many opinions on what a "great anime show" is supposed to look like.

Or why and then many fans have different view points and feelings towards an anime like Dragon Ball Z.

Information technology's the reason so many anime blogs exist, even though many of them share "like" content but very unlike opinions when writers review anime shows.

Or how websites like Beloved's Anime share "recommendations" of what anime y'all should or shouldn't watch.

Opinions have too many variables

Rem from Re:Zero.

One person says: "Rem is the best female character because of her devotion to Sabaru".

Another fan says: "Rem is the best female grapheme because she'southward powerful and has a unique design".

Who's opinion is right?

There are too many variables to what makes a skilful character.

And the same is true for an anime series.

Reviews happen to only exist "ane" element. But it's non plenty by itself.

Here'southward what Reddit users have to say about it

About i year ago – a user on Reddit asked the question:

Are MAL ratings reliable?

And here'due south what people had to say nearly it…

"MAL ratings are reliable to more often than not evidence if an anime is more well or less well received by the users of MAL. When information technology comes to item, all cards can be flipped.

Note besides that not all people have seen all anime and that not all anime are watched by all people. Leaving you possibly two very unlike crowds of voters for two private anime."

Sounds like a logical indicate of view.

Here's what other Reddit users had to say:

"MAL has a section for reviews, merely the ones I read (and usually are in the the top) tended to be blind praise, blind hate or someone who clearly wasn't made for that show (eastward.g: rating a one-act the same way one rates a drama or romance)."

They're right.Blind detest or praiseis a mutual matter I see on MAL likewise.

That's why it's not 100% reliable.

More than answers from Reddit users…

"Never because MAL can be pretty fu*** retarded with scoring."

"The only ratings y'all should trust are your ain."

"Why would you even worry about the MAL score. Information technology'due south other people'south stance, non yours. If yous similar a show, watch it, enjoy it and relieve information technology for later."


"Ratings tell you lot how popular a show is – not how good it is.

Does that mean MyAnimeList is worthless?

Of course non. That's not what I've implied.

It'due south every bit simple equally this:

  • MAL past itself isn't reliable to approximate the quality of an anime series.
  • Relying on 1 source is always a bad thought. That'southward similar a bunch of people proverb the earth is gonna end, and blindly assertive it.
  • Nothing beats first manus experience.
  • Public opinion has nothing to exercise with whether something is "true" or not.

Can MyAnimeList reviews exist reliable?

Only if:

  • Reviews are between 1/10 – v/x.

Otherwise it'due south hard to judge with 100% accuracy.

Then when yous decide to use MAL reviews:

  • Take it with a pinch of salt.
  • Do your research.
  • Spotter the anime.
  • Then determine whether information technology'southward practiced or not.

Otherwise you're bound to miss out on so many good anime shows because you chose to ignore an anime based on someone else's opinion.


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